Why Is LMS Important Nowadays?
April 20, 2020

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, online learning was considered to be an optional learning channel, a luxury to be precise. As the fatal virus spread across the world, LMS has become a witness of constant boom. And with that, online learning became the preferred education medium. This rising popularity of online learning will not diminish when ...Read more

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WordPress Multisite Database Structure: A Quick Glance
March 2, 2020

To start with WordPress Network sites, one requires to have more knowledge of database structure and WordPress admin, especially for website builders. A standard WordPress database has 11 default tables. After setting up the multisite, you will see that the database looks different from a single site and has additional global tables added to it. ...Read more

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Different ways to speed up wordpress site
January 30, 2020

Website speed is important for good user experience and ranking in search engine results pages. There are different techniques that can be used to speed up a WordPress site. Why should you need speed up WordPress site: There are many reasons some are listed below: 1) Slow websites are not just irritating but they can ...Read more

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UI Integration in React Native
January 17, 2020

What is React Native React native is an Open Source Mobile application platform created by Facebook. It is used to create Android and IOS. React Native use java-script to build a mobile app. Advantage of React Native: With the growing popularity of React Native come with 11 Component Libraries. These are the following: NativeBase React ...Read more

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How to get Grant Token(code), Access Token, Refresh Access Token using ZOHO CRM api with OAuth 2.0 ?
January 17, 2020

OAuth 2.0 Token Zoho REST API gives assistance to the OAuth 2.0 protocol for approving and validating API requests. OAuth 2.0 is the common authentication protocol. It gives 3rd party application developers the permission to grant their users secure access to the server resources without authenticating each time. You’ll need permission to access API service. ...Read more

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Things You Need To Know About DevOps
January 7, 2020

In the modern world, customer requirements and market demands are changing very rapidly. To cope up with the pace of a rapidly changing environment, organizations are turning their processes and infrastructure. First, we need to look at the resources basically involved in successful IT infrastructure. Development Development resources are part of the development of software. ...Read more

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